Classroom Learning Vocational Activity (Cooking, Art & Crafts, Motoric Skills Learning, Life Skills Activity such as Daily Living Activity)



Dental Care Inclusive & BSNC


Oral health is an integral part of a person’s general health. School age is one of the times that is vulnerable to tooth decay, especially in children. In general, children do not know and understand how to maintain dental and oral health. In this case, it is very important to have monitoring or assistance from teachers and parents in supervising their children’s dental and oral health.

In school-age children, dental and oral care is useful for preventing health problems that can affect their growth and development. The school period is the period that is most vulnerable to tooth decay in children. School children still have behaviors or habits that are less supportive of dental health. Awareness of oral hygiene in children is very low, generally school-aged children aged 6-12 years do not know and understand how to maintain oral hygiene.

Therefore, Royal Wells Brilliant and Inclusive collaborates with @galaxyofsmile66 in the Dental and Oral Health Examination activity which aims to monitor children’s dental and oral hygiene regularly and also primarily detect caries or diseases in the oral cavity early on.