Jl. Puncak Cikunir No. 25, Kampung Dua,
Jakasampurna, Bekasi Barat, Kota Bekasi,
JAWA BARAT 17145 (021) 8867163
- (021) 88958976 info@royalwellsschool.sch.id
On October 10, 2024, to commemorate Language Month, kindergarten students participated in interesting activities that had many benefits for students. At the beginning, they read books in the ...
Recently, the Royal Wells School Basketball Team again recorded an achievement for the Basketball match at the "UNITY CUP 2024" championship 🔥🏆, and the Royal ...
Kezia Grace Suriadi
Salah satu siswi kelas 9 SMP Royal Wells School [ RWS ], baru saja mengikuti ajang Bulu Tangkis Piala PBSI kotamadya Jakarta Timur tingkat SMP yg ...
At Royal Wells Preschool, our integrated learning in the Classroom illustrates how skills taught in one class can be applied in another. By making it more fun and appealing to our kids, we apply ...
Selama pandemi berlangsung dimana semua kegiatan belajar mengajar diadakan secara daring guna mencegah penyebaran COVID-19, Royal Wells Middle School dan Royal Wells ...
Kegiatan Campus visit diadakan untuk menjalin kerjasama antara Royal Wells High School dengan beberapa kampus swasta serta untuk memberikan informasi kepada ...
Siswa dan siswi Royal Wells Secondary merupakan populasi individu yang unik dan berbeda satu dengan lainnya, kesamaan yang dimiliki hanya jiwa kompetitif yang selalu ditampilkan dalam bentuk ...
It is our great pleasure to invite you to Royal Wells School Open Day Carnival! It will be held on the 14th and 15th of October 2017 (Saturday and Sunday). It is a fun filled event showcasing the New ...
World Autism Awareness Day is an internationally recognised day on the 2nd of April every year, encouraging Member States of the United Nations to take measures to raise awareness about ...